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Sep 30, 2024

National Consultant(s) for Video Production

USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform seeks a national consultant or group of consultants to produce one recap video for the project’s final learning event. The video seeks to summarize the project’s activities and showcase the results.

Please see the detailed scope of work here.

The application documents include:

    • A cover letter
    • A portfolio of the company or CV(s) of the individual(s)
    • A technical proposal
    • Technical proposal including:
      • A description of the planning and production process to be implemented by the applicant
      • Viewable links to at least three similar video products previously produced by the applicant
      • A tentative timeline to deliver the products as outlined in Section IV of this SOW
    • Financial proposal including the breakdown of costs and total cost. The quote should be inclusive of all necessary costs, overheads, expenses, and VAT
    • Business registration certificate (if the applicant is a company)

    Application documents should be sent to pher@sangkienvietnam.org titled ““Video Production Consultant Application” by October 16, 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.