Recognizing that annual faculty and staff evaluations are an important management tool for improving performance and promoting talent, many member universities have requested support in implementing reforms to this key aspect of their human resources management.
Over the past months, USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform project has supported partner institutions to design a more effective HR evaluation system based on key performance indicators (KPIs). Hand-in-hand with partner universities this approach has been carefully reviewed and adapted for the Vietnam public higher education context. On July 27, 2023 and August 7-8, 2023, the project led a workshop at the University of Science (Vietnam National University-Hanoi) and University of Science and Technology (the University of Danang) attended by 110 university delegates. The workshop aimed to train human resources professionals in developing evaluation criteria. This included developing KPI sets that would be applied in the annual performance evaluations for lecturers, researchers, managers, and administrative staff.
The project team and experts reviewed not only specific KPIs, but also the roadmap to reform implementation steps, making critical decisions through these broad stakeholder consultations and training. Upon the conclusion of each workshop, specific KPIs were selected through careful assessment of feedback from all participants. These steps were taken to ensure that the evaluation criteria and process will be universally accepted, accurate, fair, and transparent.
The next steps will be the gradual yet methodical scale-up implementation across each of the 3Us until all universities have had an opportunity to test, adapt, and adopt the new practice. Over each of the coming three years of reform implementation a new subset of universities will adopt the KPI reform for faculty and staff performance reviews. By 2026 all member universities of the 3Us will have fully transitioned to the new practice, thereby having fully implemented the expected reforms. This reform will improve the effectiveness of human resources administration at partner universities, providing clear ways to monitor faculty performance, and embed incentives for constant improvement through key performance indicators.