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Aug 20, 2023

Implementation Guidelines for Alumni Engagement

From August 14–18, 2023, to increase alumni engagement at partner universities, the USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform project organized a working session on techniques for alumni engagement at VNUHCM – University of Economics and Law, and the University of Economics – The University of Da Nang.

Mr. Maarten Bout from Indiana University, an IU expert, spent two days at each university working with leaders and officials to discuss their reports about alumni engagement, expectations for increasing their effectiveness, and plans for implementation, including analysis of university proposals for establishing more formalized systems, mechanisms, and resources for alumni activities. The second day was focused on how to leverage engaged alumni to help mobilize resources from alumni and set out clear steps for increasing alumni connections.

According to the analysis of university self-reports, alumni engagement activities tend to be fragmented, and the institutions lack formalized systems and a unified strategy. Participants acknowledged the importance of developing a comprehensive strategy to systematize these activities by leveraging database technologies, such as a constituent relationship management (CRM) system to optimize the organization of alumni, students, and the university activities.

At the working session, the expert shared a range of alumni engagement models at IU and other international public universities. The parties discussed and analyzed the applicability of the various alumni engagement strategies in place at IU and elsewhere. It became apparent that more centralized efforts and focused resources to promote the organization of alumni activity would be helpful.  It was also felt that a training program for staff in charge of alumni engagement could help to mobilize stronger social connections and contributions of alumni.

The university staff and leaders gained deeper understanding from the IU experiences with alumni relations, fundraising, and the value of adopting a CRM system. The coaching sessions provided university leaders with added insights and developed a deeper understanding of what is occurring within their own institutions.  Participants acknowledged the importance of making changes in alumni engagement toward a more cohesive, centralized, comprehensive program leveraging available technologies and local know how.

Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (1)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (2)
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Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (5)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (6)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (7)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (8)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (9)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (10)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (11)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (12)
Alumni activities USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (13)