Webinar: Research in Vietnam: Data, Results, and Future Challenges
Next webinar: Research in Vietnam: Data, Results, and Future Challenges
Prof. Finn Tarp – University of Copenhagen
Professor Finn Tarp has for almost 25 years been an active researcher, research leader and policy advisor in Vietnam, involved together with a large number of international colleagues in a number of large-scale research and capacity-building programmes, funded in large measure, but by no means exclusively, by Danida.
Following three years of in-country work based at the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) from 2000, he has as Professor at the University of Copenhagen and Director of UNU WIDER visited Vietnam some four times a year in relation to ambitious and wide-ranging research collaboration with various Vietnamese institutions including CIEM, ILSSA, IPSARD/CAP, GSO, among others. He has been awarded the Vietnamese Government Medal of Honour for Support to the Planning and Investment System and the Vietnamese Government Development Merit Medal for the Cause of Science and Technology. In this seminar he will speak about his professional experiences in Vietnam, give an overview of the data and research produced, and reflect on future challenges. The data sets produced under Finn Tarp’s guidance has been widely used in both academic publications and in numerous theses and dissertations focused on Vietnamese development issues.
More information about Dr. Finn Tarp
Dr. Finn Tarp is a leading international academic on issues of development strategy and foreign aid, with an interest in poverty, inequality, agricultural sector policy and planning, household and enterprise development, and climate change, sustainability, and natural resources. Have published widely in leading scientific journals and academic books. He has published 133 internationally refereed journal articles, 6 books, 30 edited book volumes/special journal issues, and 72 book chapters. Dr. Tarp was previously the Director of UNU-WIDER in Helsinki, Finland. See www.econ.ku.dk/ftarp for full details (including a large number of studies and publications on Vietnam).
Dr. Finn Tarp